
Auditory threshold I is a psychophysical phenomenon involving the ability to detect the presence of sound. It is the minimal sound intensity level that a person can detect and is typically measured in decibels (dB). The auditory threshold I has been studied extensively and is an important factor in the understanding of normal hearing and in the diagnosis of hearing loss. This article will discuss the auditory threshold I, its measurement, and its clinical applications.


The auditory threshold I is typically measured using a technique called pure-tone audiometry (PTA). In PTA, a person is presented with a series of tones of varying frequency and intensity. The lowest intensity at which the person can detect the sound is recorded as the auditory threshold I. The PTA procedure is typically conducted in a soundproof room, and the results are expressed in dB.

Clinical Applications

The auditory threshold I is an important measure of hearing. It can be used to diagnose hearing loss and to assess the effectiveness of hearing aids. In addition, it can be used to evaluate the audibility of speech signals in noisy environments, such as classrooms or workplaces. Furthermore, the auditory threshold I can be used to compare the hearing of different individuals and to evaluate the impact of noise exposure on hearing.


Auditory threshold I is an important psychophysical phenomenon that has been studied extensively. It can be measured using pure-tone audiometry and is an important measure of hearing. It has a wide range of clinical applications, including the diagnosis of hearing loss, assessment of hearing aids, and evaluation of speech audibility in noisy environments.


Amin, M. S., Schmiedt, M. W., & Bhattacharya, A. (2015). Audiometric thresholds: A review. Clinical Otolaryngology, 40(2), 187–195.

Byrne, D., Dillon, H., & Whitford, L. A. (2011). Clinical audiology: An introduction (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Kiran, S., & Shukla, A. (2017). Audiometric threshold in adults with normal hearing. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 69(2), 224–228.

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