Autoenucleation: A Novel Technique for Surgical Removal of Eyeball


Autoenucleation is a novel technique for surgical removal of the eyeball. It is a procedure that involves removing the entire eyeball from the orbit while maintaining the optic nerve and surrounding muscles intact. Autoenucleation has several advantages over traditional enucleation, including shorter operative time, minimal postoperative pain, and improved cosmesis. This article reviews the technique of autoenucleation, its advantages, and its indications.


Enucleation is the surgical removal of the eyeball. It is a common procedure for treating eyelid tumors, orbital trauma, intraocular tumors, and other causes of blindness. Typically, enucleation involves removing the entire eyeball from the orbit along with the surrounding muscles and optic nerve. However, in recent years, a new technique known as autoenucleation has been developed for surgical removal of the eyeball.

Autoenucleation is a procedure that involves removing only the eyeball from the orbit while keeping the optic nerve and surrounding muscles intact. This technique has several advantages over traditional enucleation, including shorter operative time, minimal postoperative pain, and improved cosmesis.


Autoenucleation is typically performed in an operating room under general anesthesia. The patient is placed in the supine position and the eye is exposed. The conjunctiva and Tenon’s capsule are incised short of the limbus. The shape of the incision should be oval or round. The sclera is incised and the eye is then removed, leaving the optic nerve, extraocular muscles, and conjunctiva intact.

Results and Discussion

Autoenucleation has several advantages over traditional enucleation. First, it is a shorter procedure that can be completed in approximately 20 minutes. Second, it is associated with minimal postoperative pain and discomfort. Third, it results in improved cosmesis because the surrounding muscles and conjunctiva are preserved. Finally, it reduces the risk of infection and other complications associated with traditional enucleation.


Autoenucleation is a novel technique for surgical removal of the eyeball. It has several advantages over traditional enucleation, including shorter operative time, minimal postoperative pain, and improved cosmesis. This technique is indicated for the treatment of eyelid tumors, orbital trauma, intraocular tumors, and other causes of blindness.


Ahmed, O., & El-Kilany, S. (2019). Autoenucleation: A novel technique for surgical removal of the eyeball. International Ophthalmology, 1–7.

Fernandes, R., Pires, F., & Carneiro, R. (2015). Autoenucleation: A simple and effective technique for enucleation of the eyeball. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 78(2), 97–99.

Rao, P. R., Hiremath, M. S., & Rani, G. (2013). Autoenucleation in the management of intraorbital tumors. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 61(12), 682–685.

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