Autonomic Computing: A Comprehensive Overview

Autonomic computing is an emerging technology that is designed to make computer systems self-managing and self-regulating. It is based on the idea of machines being able to learn and adapt to their environment, which is similar to the behavior of living organisms. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way computers are used and managed, and is already being used in many industries. This article provides an overview of autonomic computing, its benefits and challenges, and the current state of its development.

Autonomic computing is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI). It is based on the idea of computer systems being able to make decisions and adapt to their environment without relying on human intervention. Autonomic systems are able to identify changes in their environment and make appropriate adjustments to their parameters in order to maintain an optimal level of performance. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way computers are used and managed, and is already being used in many industries.

There are several benefits associated with autonomic computing. The most obvious benefit is that it can help reduce the amount of manual labor required to maintain computer systems. Autonomic systems are able to detect problems and make adjustments to their parameters in order to resolve them. This can save time and money by eliminating the need for manual intervention and manual configuration changes. Additionally, autonomic systems can also help reduce the risk of security breaches by detecting unusual activity and taking corrective action.

Despite its potential benefits, there are several challenges associated with autonomic computing. First, it is difficult to predict the behavior of autonomic systems due to the complexity of their algorithms. This makes it difficult for humans to understand how the systems will respond in different situations. Additionally, autonomic systems may not always make the best decisions and could potentially cause more harm than good. Finally, autonomic systems require a large amount of data to be able to effectively learn and adapt, which can be expensive and time-consuming to collect.

Despite these challenges, autonomic computing has become more widely adopted in recent years. Automation has become a key part of many industries, such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Autonomic systems have also been used to help improve the efficiency of computer systems, such as self-healing networks and self-managing storage systems.

In conclusion, autonomic computing is an emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way computers are used and managed. It offers several benefits, such as reducing the amount of manual labor required to maintain systems and reducing the risk of security breaches. However, there are several challenges associated with autonomic computing, such as its complexity and the difficulty of predicting its behavior. Despite these challenges, autonomic computing has become more widely adopted in recent years and is being used in many industries.


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Liu, Y., & Zhang, X. (2020). Autonomic computing: A survey and future research direction. IEEE Access, 8, 51953–51969.

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