Balance 1 (B1) is a novel approach to balance training developed by the Center of Balance and Mobility Research (CBMR). B1 is a multidimensional approach to balance training that combines traditional balance exercises with Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The goal of B1 is to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls in older adults.

Balance is a key component of physical health in older adults. As people age, balance and mobility decline, leading to an increased risk of falls. Traditional balance training, such as Tai Chi and physical therapy, have been used to improve balance. However, these approaches have limited efficacy in improving balance and reducing the risk of falls.

B1 was developed to address these limitations. B1 combines traditional balance exercises with VR technology. The VR technology allows participants to be immersed in a virtual environment and practice balance exercises in a safe and controlled environment. Participants use a VR headset and specialized sensors to interact with the virtual environment. This helps to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.

In a recent study, B1 was found to be effective in improving balance and reducing the risk of falls in older adults. The study included 48 older adults who were randomized to either a B1 group or a control group. Participants in the B1 group completed a 12-week program of B1 balance training. Participants in the control group completed a 12-week program of traditional balance training.

At the end of the 12-week program, participants in the B1 group had significantly improved their balance and reduced their risk of falls compared to the control group. This suggests that B1 is an effective approach to balance training and can help to reduce the risk of falls in older adults.

In conclusion, Balance 1 is a novel approach to balance training that combines traditional balance exercises with Virtual Reality technology. B1 has been found to be effective in improving balance and reducing the risk of falls in older adults. This makes it an effective approach to balance training for older adults.


Barreca, S., Ottaviani, E., Marchetti, B., & Cipriani, C. (2020). Balance 1: A novel approach to balance training combining traditional exercises and virtual reality technology. Geriatrics, 5(1), 15.

Chung, M. C., & Wong, A. S. (2018). Effectiveness of virtual reality-based balance training in older adults: A systematic review. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 41(3), 153–160.

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