Barricade Incidents: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention

Barricade incidents are a type of violent crime in which an individual or group of individuals barricade themselves within a building or other location. These incidents involve the use of weapons, explosives, or other dangerous items to keep the occupants or other persons outside from entering the area. Barricade incidents can be extremely dangerous and often lead to the injury or death of innocent bystanders or law enforcement personnel. This article will discuss the causes, consequences, and possible prevention methods of barricade incidents.

Causes of Barricade Incidents

There are several known causes of barricade incidents. In most cases, the perpetrator is attempting to escape a situation in which they feel threatened or in danger. In some cases, the perpetrator may be attempting to make a political statement, or attempting to draw attention to their cause. In other cases, the perpetrator may be suffering from mental illness or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In still other cases, the perpetrator may simply be trying to avoid capture or arrest.

Consequences of Barricade Incidents

The consequences of a barricade incident can be far-reaching. Innocent individuals may be injured or killed, often in large numbers. Property damage may be extensive, and the economic costs of such incidents can be very high. In addition, barricade incidents can cause significant psychological distress to those who witness them.

Prevention of Barricade Incidents

There are a variety of methods that can be used to prevent barricade incidents. Law enforcement personnel should be adequately trained and equipped to respond to barricade incidents. They should also be aware of the signs and symptoms of those who may be considering engaging in such an act. In addition, mental health professionals should be trained to recognize and respond to potential barricade threats. Finally, community outreach programs should be established to educate the public about the risks associated with barricade incidents and how to respond to them.


Barricade incidents are a serious and dangerous type of crime that can have far-reaching consequences. In order to prevent such incidents, law enforcement personnel, mental health professionals, and community outreach programs should be provided with the necessary training and resources to recognize and respond appropriately to potential barricade threats.


Brenneman, M. L., & McGuire, J. J. (2018). The prevention and management of barricade incidents. International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA) Journal, 5(1), 1-8.

Kraska, P. B., & Cubellis, E. M. (2016). Police use of force: The core of police legitimacy. In P. B. Kraska & E. M. Cubellis (Eds.), Police use of force: Practical applications (pp. 33-64). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

Mulé, J. (2015). Barricade incidents: A critical review of the literature and suggestions for best practices. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 16(1), 3-17. doi:10.1080/15614263.2013.846013

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