Base Rate (BR) is a term used in statistical analysis to refer to the percentage of a population that falls into a particular category or group. This rate is also known as the prior probability, prior odds, or background risk. BR is used to calculate the likelihood of a given event occurring, based on the frequency of its occurrence in the population. It is important to note that base rate is not the same as the probability of a given outcome; rather, it is the rate at which the event is likely to occur in a given population.

BR is used in many areas of research, including psychology, economics, marketing, finance, and medicine. In psychology, for example, BR can be used to calculate the probability of a given behavior occurring in a given population. In economics, BR is used to assess the likelihood of loan defaults, while in marketing, it is used to determine the success of a new product launch. Similarly, in finance, BR is used to calculate the risk associated with investments.

BR is also used in medical diagnosis. It is used to assess the probability of a given disorder or condition in a given population. For example, a doctor may use BR to calculate the likelihood of a patient having cancer, based on the rate of cancer in the general population. In this case, BR helps to determine the probability of a positive diagnosis before any tests are conducted.

BR is an important tool in statistical analysis as it allows researchers to assess the likelihood of a given event occurring in a given population. It also helps to identify potential areas of risk and can be used to inform decision-making. There are several methods for calculating BR, including the Bayesian Approach and the Maximum Likelihood Estimation.


Hudson, J. L. (2020). Base rate. In Encyclopedia of research methods (pp. 76-77). Sage Publications Ltd.

Lee, K. Y., & Wagenmakers, E. J. (2015). Bayesian cognitive modeling: A practical course. Cambridge University Press.

Konishi, S., & Kitagawa, G. (1998). The maximum likelihood approach. Springer Science & Business Media.

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