Basic physiological needs are essential for the survival and well-being of all living organisms. These needs are generally based on the physiological requirements of organism’s body and the environment in which it lives. The basic physiological needs are oxygen, water, food, sleep, shelter, and clothing (Gorayeb & Ferracioli-Oda, 2018).

Oxygen is one of the most important basic physiological needs, as it is essential for respiration and the production of energy. Oxygen is obtained through the process of respiration and is absorbed by the lungs, which then transports it to the tissues and organs. The oxygen is then utilized in the production of energy through the process of cellular respiration (Friedman, 2013).

Water is another essential basic physiological need. Water is necessary for the proper functioning of the body’s cells and organs. It is used for the regulation of body temperature, as well as for excretion of waste products and absorption of nutrients. Water is obtained from the environment, either through drinking it or absorbing it through the skin (Friedman, 2013).

Food is also a basic physiological need. Food is necessary for the body to obtain energy and nutrients. It is obtained from the environment through the process of ingestion, digestion, and absorption. Food is composed of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are essential for the proper functioning of the body (Friedman, 2013).

Sleep is also a basic physiological need. Sleep is important for the regulation of hormones and the restoration of energy. It is obtained from the environment by sleeping for a specific amount of time. Sleep helps to restore the body’s energy, improve memory, and improve mood (Friedman, 2013).

Shelter is a basic physiological need that is essential for the protection and safety of organisms. It is obtained from the environment through the construction of dwellings or other structures. These dwellings provide protection from the elements, as well as providing a safe place to rest (Friedman, 2013).

Finally, clothing is a basic physiological need. Clothing is necessary for the protection of the body from the environment. It is obtained from the environment through the purchase or manufacture of clothing. Clothing also helps to regulate body temperature and protect against the elements (Friedman, 2013).

In conclusion, basic physiological needs are essential for the survival and well-being of all living organisms. These needs are based on the physiological requirements of the body and the environment in which it lives. The basic physiological needs are oxygen, water, food, sleep, shelter, and clothing.


Friedman, M. (2013). Human Physiology (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Gorayeb, B. & Ferracioli-Oda, E. (2018). Basic Physiological Needs. In T. Teckkam (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition (pp. 533-538). Academic Press.

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