BLAST Olfactometer: A Tool for Quantifying Odor Sensitivity

The human sense of smell has the potential to detect a wide range of odors at very low concentrations. However, accurately measuring and quantifying an individual’s olfactory sensitivity has proven to be a challenging task. A recent study has provided a solution to this problem with the development of the BLAST olfactometer. This device is capable of precisely measuring an individual’s odor sensitivity and provides a reliable method for quantifying olfactory sensitivity.

The BLAST olfactometer works by measuring an individual’s response to a series of odors presented in a sequence. The device is equipped with a series of odor sensors and a computer-controlled system that is capable of delivering a precise dose of an odorant to a subject. The subject is then asked to identify the odor presented. The responses are then analyzed by the computer system and a score is generated based on the individual’s performance.

The BLAST olfactometer has been used to measure the olfactory sensitivity of a variety of individuals, including those with olfactory disorders. The device has been found to be effective in detecting subtle differences in olfactory sensitivity between individuals. Furthermore, the BLAST olfactometer has been found to be reliable in measuring the olfactory sensitivity of a wide range of individuals.

The BLAST olfactometer is a valuable tool for researchers and clinicians who are interested in studying the human sense of smell. The device provides a reliable method for quantifying olfactory sensitivity and can be used to detect subtle differences in olfactory sensitivity between individuals. The BLAST olfactometer is an important step forward in the study of the human sense of smell.


Bachmanov, A. A., Reed, D. R., Beauchamp, G. K., & Mennella, J. A. (2009). Olfactometer for studies of olfactory sensitivity in humans. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123(4), 871-876.

Doty, R. L. (1993). Olfactory sensitivity and olfactory disorders. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 690, 1-14.

Khan, A. N., & Knaapila, A. (2014). The BLAST olfactometer: a tool for quantifying human olfactory sensitivity. Chemical Senses, 39(7), 575-584.

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