Correspondence: An Exploration of the Impact of Digitalization on Communication


This article explores the impact of digitalization on communication, specifically focusing on the concept of correspondence. By looking at the history of correspondence and the current state of digital communication, we can gain insight into how digitalization has had both positive and negative effects on communication. We also consider how digital communication has impacted the way we interact with one another, the way we express our thoughts, and the potential implications of relying too heavily on digital communication for our everyday interactions.


The process of digitalization has had an immense impact on the way we communicate. From the invention of the telegraph to the latest social media platforms, digital communication has revolutionized the way people interact with one another. This article will explore the concept of correspondence and its effect on communication, focusing on the historical context, the current state of digital communication, and the potential implications of relying too heavily on digital communication for our everyday interactions.

History of Correspondence

Correspondence, also known as letter writing, has been around for centuries and is one of the oldest forms of communication. In the past, correspondence was done mainly through handwritten letters that were sent through the mail. These letters were often used to express thoughts and feelings that could not be expressed verbally. As technology advanced, new forms of correspondence emerged, such as email, which allowed for much faster communication.

Current State of Digital Communication

Today, digital communication is ubiquitous. We are constantly connected to one another through social media, text messages, and emails. While this has allowed for faster and easier communication, it has also had some negative impacts. For example, it has become increasingly difficult to have meaningful conversations, as people often rely on short and shallow messages to communicate. Additionally, the immediacy of digital communication has led to a decrease in thoughtfulness, as people are less likely to take the time to consider what they are saying.

Implications of Relying Too Heavily on Digital Communication

While digital communication has made communication easier, it has also had some potentially negative effects. For example, people are now spending less time with one another in person, as digital communication is often seen as a more convenient and efficient way of interacting with others. Additionally, digital communication can be impersonal and can lead to misunderstandings, as it is often difficult to interpret tone and body language through digital messages. Finally, relying too heavily on digital communication can lead to a decrease in empathy, as people are less likely to consider how their words may affect the other person.


In conclusion, digitalization has had a significant impact on communication. We have seen a shift from correspondence to digital communication, which has allowed for faster and easier communication. However, digital communication has also had some potential negative effects, such as decreased empathy and increased misunderstandings. It is important to be mindful of how digital communication is impacting our ability to communicate and to take steps to ensure that we are not relying too heavily on digital communication for our everyday interactions.


Bianco, L. (2015). The History of Correspondence. Retrieved May 15, 2021, from

Lambert, A. (2020). The Pros and Cons of Digital Communication. Retrieved May 15, 2021, from

Poushter, J. (2020). Technology and Social Change. Retrieved May 15, 2021, from

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