Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a powerful tool used to evaluate and compare the costs and benefits associated with a project, product, or policy. The goal of CBA is to provide an objective, quantitative assessment of a project’s economic viability. CBA is often used in decision-making processes by policy-makers, economists, and business owners, as it allows for the comparison of all the costs and benefits associated with a project. It is important to understand that CBA looks at both the financial and nonfinancial aspects of a project.

CBA is typically divided into two main components: the cost component and the benefit component. The cost component identifies and quantifies all the costs associated with a project, including the direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are those that are directly attributable to the project, whereas indirect costs are those that are not directly attributable but are still relevant to the project. The benefit component identifies and quantifies all the benefits associated with a project, including financial and nonfinancial benefits.

When performing CBA, it is important to consider the time value of money. This is because money is worth more today than it is in the future. To account for the time value of money, the costs and benefits of a project are often discounted back to the present day. This allows for the comparison of the costs and benefits of a project in a more accurate manner.

CBA is a powerful tool for evaluating projects, products, and policies. It provides an objective, quantitative assessment of a project’s economic viability and allows for the comparison of all the costs and benefits associated with a project. CBA should always account for the time value of money to ensure that the costs and benefits of a project are accurately compared.


Bureau of Reclamation. (2020). Cost-Benefit Analysis. Retrieved from

Harrison, J. (2018). What is Cost-Benefit Analysis? Retrieved from

Smith, J. (2018). Cost-Benefit Analysis. Retrieved from

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