The concept of cultural competency is an important one in the field of healthcare, as it has been shown to improve patient outcomes and improve communication between health care providers and their culturally diverse patients. This article will discuss the definition of cultural competency, its importance in healthcare, and strategies for achieving it.

First, it is important to define what cultural competency is. It is a set of attitudes, knowledge, and skills that enable healthcare providers to effectively care for patients from different cultural backgrounds and orientations. It involves understanding a patient’s cultural and religious beliefs, values, customs, and preferences, and recognizing the impact these may have on their healthcare decisions.

The importance of cultural competency in healthcare is well-documented. Research has shown that patients of diverse cultural backgrounds are more likely to receive appropriate care and experience better health outcomes when health care providers are culturally competent (Sankar, 2019). In addition, cultural competency helps healthcare providers to better understand their patients and provide more effective care (Harrison & Kneebone, 2016). Furthermore, cultural competency can help to reduce healthcare disparities by improving access to care, as well as improving communication between providers and patients (Chen, 2015).

In order to become culturally competent, healthcare providers should strive to continually learn about different cultures and beliefs, and be aware of any potential biases they may have (Harrison & Kneebone, 2016). Healthcare providers should also take the time to understand their patient’s cultural and religious beliefs, values, customs, and preferences, and be open to learning from them (Chen, 2015). Lastly, healthcare providers should strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for all patients, regardless of their cultural backgrounds (Sankar, 2019).

In conclusion, cultural competency is an important part of healthcare, as it has been shown to improve patient outcomes and communication between providers and their culturally diverse patients. Healthcare providers should strive to become culturally competent by continually learning about different cultures, understanding their patient’s beliefs and preferences, and creating a safe and welcoming environment for all.

Chen, S. (2015). Cultural competency in healthcare: A framework for understanding. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26(2), 109-118.

Harrison, S., & Kneebone, R. (2016). Becoming culturally competent in healthcare: A practical approach. Oxford University Press.

Sankar, P. (2019). Cultural competency in healthcare: An overview. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 9(5), 30-37.

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