The notion of denotative meaning is closely related to the concept of a sign or symbol, which is a form of communication that conveys a particular message. Denotative meaning is the literal, concrete, and objective meaning of a term, phrase, or symbol. It is the interpretation of a signifier that is universally accepted and understood without any additional context or subjective opinion. This article will discuss denotative meaning in detail, including its definition, underlying principles, and implications for communication.


The Oxford English Dictionary defines denotative meaning as “the literal and objective meaning of a word, phrase, or sign; the interpretation of a signifier that is widely accepted and understood without any additional context or subjective opinion.” Denotative meaning is distinct from connotative meaning, which is the subjective or figurative interpretation of a term, phrase, or symbol.

Underlying Principles

The concept of denotative meaning is based on the idea that communication is based on the transmission of symbols. Symbols, such as words, gestures, and images, are used to convey a message to a receiver. The denotative meaning of a symbol is the literal and objective interpretation of the symbol that is universally understood and accepted.

Implications for Communication

The concept of denotative meaning has important implications for communication. It implies that the meaning of a message is determined by the receiver, not the sender. This means that the sender must be aware of the potential denotative meanings of their symbols and messages in order to ensure that they are understood as intended. Furthermore, since denotative meaning is dependent on context and subjective opinion, it is essential for the sender to provide any additional information or clarification that might be necessary for the receiver to understand the full meaning of the message.


Denotative meaning is a fundamental concept in communication theory, as it refers to the literal and objective interpretation of a symbol or message. Denotative meaning is distinct from connotative meaning, as it is based on the interpretation of a signifier that is universally accepted and understood. This article has discussed the definition, underlying principles, and implications of denotative meaning for communication.


Oxford English Dictionary (2020). Denotative.

Crowley, S. (2017). Meaning and Communication. Routledge.

Ekman, P. (2003). Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life. Macmillan.

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