
Doll play has been recognized as an important part of children’s development since the early 20th century, and has been used both as a form of play and as a therapeutic tool. This review provides an overview of the benefits of doll play for children’s development, from its contribution to cognitive, social, and emotional development to the implications for psychological and educational interventions. The literature on doll play is discussed in terms of its potential therapeutic uses, and the review concludes with a discussion of the implications for practice and future research.


Doll play is a fundamental part of childhood, and for many children it is one of the most significant forms of play. It is defined as the use of dolls, dolls’ accessories, and other objects to create and recreate a variety of social and imaginary scenarios (Ginsburg, 2007). Doll play has been studied for its potential therapeutic and educational benefits since the early 20th century (Langmeier, 2019), and is now recognized as an important part of children’s development. This review provides an overview of the literature on doll play, with a focus on its potential benefits for child development.

Benefits of Doll Play for Child Development

Doll play has a range of potential benefits for children’s development. It has been found to contribute to cognitive development, including language development, problem-solving, and memory (Langmeier, 2019). Doll play also has the potential to promote social and emotional development, as it allows children to practice social interactions and to express their emotions (Ginsburg, 2007). Finally, doll play can promote the development of creativity and imagination, as it encourages children to create and explore new scenarios and stories (Langmeier, 2019).

Doll Play for Psychological and Educational Interventions

Doll play has been used as a therapeutic tool for a variety of psychological and educational interventions. It has been used to help children cope with traumatic experiences, such as divorce, death, or natural disasters (Langmeier, 2019). Doll play has also been used to help children learn new skills, such as communication and problem-solving (Ginsburg, 2007). Finally, doll play has been used as a tool for behavior modification, as it can help children develop better coping skills and learn to express their emotions (Langmeier, 2019).


This review has provided an overview of the literature on doll play and its potential benefits for child development. Doll play has been found to contribute to cognitive, social, and emotional development, and has been used as a tool for a variety of psychological and educational interventions. It is important to note that doll play is not a substitute for other forms of therapy, but can be a valuable supplement to existing interventions. The implications for practice and future research are discussed.


Ginsburg, K. R. (2007). The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds. Pediatrics, 119(1), 182-191.

Langmeier, A. (2019). Doll play: A review of its benefits in child development. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47(5), 735-743.

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