Ectothermy: An Overview

Ectothermy is a form of thermoregulation in which an organism’s body temperature is regulated by external sources such as sunlight, air or water. It is found in both invertebrates and vertebrates, and has evolved as an adaptation to different environments. This review provides an overview of ectothermy and its significance in the natural world.

Definition and Examples

Ectothermy is defined as the ability of an organism to regulate its body temperature through external sources, rather than through internal sources such as metabolic heat production. It is also known as ‘cold-blooded’, as the external temperature often influences the organism’s body temperature. Examples of ectothermic organisms include reptiles, amphibians, some fish, insects, and some invertebrates.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Ectothermy has several advantages. It is an efficient way to conserve energy, as organisms do not need to expend energy to maintain their body temperature. This can allow them to move quickly and adapt to changing environmental conditions. It also allows them to thrive in environments with limited food or energy sources, such as deserts.

However, ectothermy also has disadvantages. Animals cannot generate their own heat, so they are limited to areas where external sources of heat are available. This can make them vulnerable to changes in temperature or environmental conditions. They are also unable to regulate their body temperature quickly, which can make them less capable of dealing with rapid changes in their environment.


Ectothermy has played an important role in the evolution of many species. It allows them to survive in a variety of environments, and has enabled them to colonize new areas. It has also allowed species to evolve unique adaptations to their environment, such as different colourations or body shapes.


Ectothermy is a form of thermoregulation that enables organisms to regulate their body temperature through external sources. It has both advantages and disadvantages, and has played a significant role in the evolution of many species.


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