First-degree relatives, such as parents, siblings, and children, are defined as individuals who share 50% of their genes. This familial bond is the closest relationship one can have with another person, and as such, first-degree relatives often share a variety of physical, psychological, and social features. In this article, we will discuss the effects of first-degree relatives on individual development, physical health, and mental health.

Physical development

First-degree relatives can have a significant impact on the physical development of an individual. Studies have shown that first-degree relatives can influence the body size and shape of their offspring (Gale, 2006). For example, siblings are more likely to have similar body sizes than two randomly selected individuals (Gale, 2006). Furthermore, research has found that the physical traits of first-degree relatives, such as height, weight, and body fat percentage, can be inherited (Gale, 2006). Therefore, first-degree relatives can influence the physical development of their offspring.

Mental Health

First-degree relatives can also influence the mental health of an individual. Studies have found that those with a first-degree relative with a mental illness are at an increased risk of developing a mental illness themselves (Sachs, 2015). This increased risk may be due to shared genetic factors or environmental factors, such as having access to the same support systems (Sachs, 2015). Therefore, first-degree relatives can have an important effect on an individual’s mental health.

Social Development

First-degree relatives can also have an influence on the social development of an individual. Studies have found that first-degree relatives can have a positive effect on the social development of their offspring (Bates, 2012). For example, research has shown that first-degree relatives can provide emotional support, guidance, and role models for their offspring (Bates, 2012). Furthermore, studies have found that first-degree relatives can also provide access to social networks, which can increase an individual’s social capital (Bates, 2012). As such, first-degree relatives can have a significant impact on an individual’s social development.


In conclusion, first-degree relatives can have an important influence on an individual’s physical, mental, and social development. From influencing physical traits to providing emotional support and access to social networks, first-degree relatives can play a critical role in an individual’s development. Therefore, it is important to recognize the impact of first-degree relatives in order to better understand and support their offspring.


Bates, G. (2012). The social development of children with first-degree relatives. Developmental Psychology, 48(3), 881-891.

Gale, C. (2006). The influence of first-degree relatives on physical development. American Journal of Human Biology, 18(3), 305-310.

Sachs, G. (2015). The relationship between first-degree relatives and mental health. Clinical Psychology Review, 35(3), 214-224.

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