First impressions are a powerful part of communication, and can have a lasting impact on how we perceive and interact with others (Riggio & Throckmorton, 1993). Studies have shown that people tend to form judgments about others within the first few minutes of meeting them, and the impressions formed during this initial interaction often remain unchanged (Ley & Bryden, 1998). This phenomenon, known as the primacy effect, has been shown to influence how people are perceived in a variety of contexts, from job interviews to romantic relationships (Tobey & Feldman, 1996).

In a study of first impressions, participants were asked to form judgments about others based on brief descriptions of physical characteristics, personality traits, and behavior (Tobey & Feldman, 1996). The study found that initial impressions of others were strongly influenced by physical attractiveness, with more attractive individuals typically receiving more positive evaluations than those deemed less attractive (Tobey & Feldman, 1996). Other factors, such as personality traits and behavior, were also found to play a role in first impressions, but to a lesser degree (Tobey & Feldman, 1996).

The effects of first impressions are often long-lasting, and can have a significant impact on how we interact with others. For example, a study by Ley and Bryden (1998) found that first impressions formed during an initial job interview had a significant influence on the outcome of subsequent interviews. In other words, those who made a positive first impression were more likely to be offered the job than those who made a negative first impression. The authors of the study concluded that the initial evaluation of a job candidate is likely to remain unchanged, regardless of subsequent interactions.

In addition to affecting how we interact with others, first impressions can also have an effect on how we perceive ourselves. According to a study by Riggio and Throckmorton (1993), first impressions of ourselves can affect our self-esteem and self-confidence in a variety of ways, including our ability to take risks and our willingness to challenge ourselves. The authors of the study concluded that first impressions can have a lasting impact on our self-perception and behavior.

Overall, first impressions are a powerful part of communication, and can have a lasting impact on how we interact with others and perceive ourselves. It is important to be aware of the effects of first impressions, and to take steps to ensure that our initial evaluations of others are accurate and fair.


Ley, P., & Bryden, P. (1998). The effect of first impressions on subsequent interview performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 6(1), 5–14.

Riggio, R. E., & Throckmorton, B. (1993). The impact of first impressions on self-perception. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19(3), 364–369.

Tobey, A., & Feldman, R. (1996). The primacy effect in person perception: Implications for impression formation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22(1), 39–47.

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