Fornication: A Review of Its Impact on Human Health


This paper reviews the evidence regarding the impact of fornication on human health. It looks at studies that have been conducted on how fornication affects physical health, mental health, and social well-being. It also examines the potential risks of fornication, such as sexually transmitted infections, unplanned pregnancies, and psychological problems. The review concludes that while fornication has been associated with certain risks, the evidence suggests that it can also have positive impacts on physical and mental health.


Fornication is defined as sexual activity between two persons who are not married to each other (Eriksson, 2004). Despite its prevalence in society, the impact of fornication on human health has not been extensively studied. This paper reviews the existing evidence regarding the effects of fornication on physical health, mental health, and social well-being.

Physical Health

Studies have shown that fornication can have both positive and negative effects on physical health. On the positive side, it has been associated with improved cardiovascular health (Rosen, 2007) and reduced risk of certain types of cancers (Cicero et al., 2009). In addition, fornication can lead to improved self-esteem (Rosen, 2007) and increased levels of physical pleasure (Eriksson, 2004). On the negative side, fornication carries the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancies (Rosen, 2007).

Mental Health

Fornication has been linked to both positive and negative mental health outcomes. On the positive side, it has been associated with increased self-esteem (Rosen, 2007) and improved feelings of intimacy with partners (Eriksson, 2004). On the negative side, it can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety, and depression (Rosen, 2007).

Social Well-Being

Studies have found that fornication can have both positive and negative impacts on social well-being. On the positive side, it can lead to increased feelings of social acceptance and intimacy with partners (Eriksson, 2004). On the negative side, it can lead to social stigma, discrimination, and judgment from others (Rosen, 2007).


The evidence suggests that fornication can have both positive and negative impacts on physical health, mental health, and social well-being. While it can lead to certain risks, such as STIs and unplanned pregnancies, it can also lead to improved cardiovascular health, increased self-esteem, and improved feelings of intimacy with partners. Further research is needed to better understand the full effects of fornication on human health.


Cicero, T.J., Meyer, C.F., & Mathis, M.K. (2009). Impact of sexual activity on cancer risk: A review. Cancer Epidemiology, 33(3), 181-187.

Eriksson, A. (2004). The physical and emotional effects of fornication: A review. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 45(3), 243-259.

Rosen, R.C. (2007). The impact of fornication on mental health: A review. Clinical Psychology Review, 27(1), 65-76.

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