How to cope with cancer and depression

Cancer and depression are two of the most common chronic illnesses experienced by individuals in the United States. Their effects can be devastating, both physically and emotionally. This article will discuss the history of both cancer and depression, the current methods of coping with them, and provide references for further reading.

Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by abnormal cell growth that can invade other parts of the body. The abnormal cells can form tumors and, if left untreated, can cause death. Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities that are usually enjoyed.

Cancer has been known since ancient times. In the fourth century BC, Hippocrates wrote about tumors and described breast cancer as “ulcerous tumors with pain.” In 1845, German pathologist Rudolf Virchow first described the spread of cancer from one organ to another. In the late 19th century, German surgeon Wilhelm Busch described the first cancer surgery.

Depression was first described in the 16th century by the German physician Paracelsus. He referred to it as “melancholia” and believed that it was caused by an imbalance of the four humors. In the 19th century, English physician William Gull developed the term “depression” and described it as a disorder of the nervous system.

Current coping methods
There are many ways to cope with cancer and depression. These include:
– Developing a positive attitude towards the illness;
– Pursuing physical activity and healthy eating habits;
– Practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga;
– Seeking professional help, such as counseling or therapy;
– Connecting with other people who have similar experiences;
– Participating in support groups;
– Exploring creative outlets; and
– Using medications and other treatments, as recommended by a doctor.

Cancer and depression can be devastating to those who suffer from them. However, there are ways to cope with these illnesses. By developing a positive attitude, engaging in physical activity and healthy eating habits, and seeking professional help, individuals can manage their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives.

American Cancer Society. (n.d.). What is cancer? Retrieved from

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. (n.d.). History of depression. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic. (2020). Cancer: Coping and support. Retrieved from

National Institute of Mental Health. (2020). Depression. Retrieved from

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