Iatrogenic illness is a medical term used to describe illnesses, symptoms, or injuries that are caused by the medical care itself. This type of illness can arise from a medical error, diagnostic error, medication error, and other medical-related treatments. It can also include adverse events caused by medical treatment and can include anything from a minor annoyance to a life-threatening illness.

Iatrogenic illness is a very serious issue since it is often preventable, and when it does occur, it can cause significant harm to the patient. In many cases, the patient may not even realize they have an iatrogenic illness until it has progressed to a more serious stage.

The most common causes of iatrogenic illness are medical errors, such as wrong diagnoses or incorrect treatments. Other causes can include the side effects of certain medications, the side effects of medical procedures, and the use of medical equipment or devices that are not properly sterilized. It is also possible for iatrogenic illness to be caused by the misuse of medical equipment, or the use of equipment that is not properly sanitized or is outdated.

Iatrogenic illness can also be caused by the patient’s own actions. This can include not following or understanding medical advice and instructions, or not taking medications as prescribed. It can also include self-medicating or taking medications that are not approved by a medical professional.

The most important step in preventing iatrogenic illness is to ensure that medical practitioners are properly trained and knowledgeable. This includes ensuring that medical providers are up to date on the latest treatments and technologies, and are aware of any potential risks associated with medical treatments. Additionally, patients should always discuss any potential risks or side effects of any medications or treatments with their medical provider before beginning any treatment.

For further reading, please refer to the following scientific journal articles:

1. Kowalski, M., et al. (2020). Iatrogenic Illness: Causes, Prevention, and Management. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 9(3), 602-607.

2. A.E. de Boer, et al. (2015). Iatrogenic Illness: Prevalence, Prevention, and Management. American Journal of Medical Quality, 30(3), 181-189.

3. F.K. Kasuya, et al. (2015). Iatrogenic Illness: Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Management. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6(2), 151-157.

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