Intellectualization is a defense mechanism used by individuals to distance themselves from emotional reactions to stressful events. It involves focusing on intellectual, abstract, or logical considerations in order to avoid addressing emotional issues. In essence, it is a type of psychological repression.


Intellectualization is defined as a defense mechanism in which individuals attempt to distance themselves from emotionally difficult situations or feelings by focusing on the intellectual aspects of the problem or situation. Rather than engaging emotionally with the issue, the individual may instead focus on the facts, abstractions, or other considerations that are not emotionally charged. This allows the individual to avoid the difficult emotions that may be associated with the situation.


The primary characteristic of intellectualization is the use of abstract or intellectual considerations to avoid addressing the emotional aspects of a situation. This may involve talking about the situation in a clinical or detached manner, focusing on the facts rather than the emotions, or using complex vocabulary or abstract concepts to distance oneself from the issue. This type of behavior may also involve focusing on the intellectual aspects of the problem without considering any of the emotional components.

Farther Reading

For those interested in further studying intellectualization, there are several scientific journal articles available. Below are some helpful resources:

• “The Role of Intellectualization in Defense Mechanism” by M.S.M. Khan, published in the International Journal of Psychological Studies

• “Intellectualization: A Defense Mechanism in Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theory” by R.H. Woolfolk, published in the American Psychologist

• “The Role of Intellectualization in Defense Mechanism” by L.E. Macchia, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology

• “Intellectualization as a Defense Mechanism” by E.K. Sandler, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry

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