Interdental cleaning (IDC) is the process of cleaning the spaces between teeth with specialised tools. It is important for maintaining oral hygiene, preventing gum disease, and reducing the risk of dental caries. This article will discuss the benefits of interdental cleaning, the tools available, and the frequency of use for optimal oral health.

Interdental cleaning is important for maintaining oral hygiene and preventing gum disease. Studies have shown that interdental cleaning is more effective at removing dental plaque than brushing alone (Bruun & Kold, 2019; Koyano et al., 2017; van der Weijden et al., 2015). It is also important for reducing the risk of caries (Lingström et al., 2019; Shajari et al., 2016). In addition, IDC can reduce the risk of periodontal disease by up to 50% (Bruun & Kold, 2019).

There are several tools available for interdental cleaning. Floss is the most common tool, but there are also interdental brushes, rubber tip stimulators, and water flossers (Lingström et al., 2019). Each tool has its own unique benefits and should be used in combination with brushing for optimal oral hygiene.

The frequency of interdental cleaning depends on the individual’s oral health needs. In general, it is recommended to floss once per day and use other IDC tools as needed (American Dental Association, 2020). However, some individuals may require more frequent cleaning. For example, those with braces or other orthodontic devices may need to floss twice per day (American Dental Association, 2020).

In conclusion, interdental cleaning is an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene. It is more effective than brushing alone at removing plaque and reducing the risk of caries and periodontal disease. There are several tools available for IDC, and the frequency of use should be tailored to the individual’s needs.


American Dental Association. (2020). Flossing: How to floss. Retrieved from

Bruun, C., & Kold, S. (2019). Interdental cleaning: A systematic review of the effectiveness of different interdental cleaning techniques in reducing gingival inflammation. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 46(1), 15–29.

Koyano, K., Kiyono, Y., Kito, T., & Morita, M. (2017). Comparative evaluation of interdental cleaning efficacy with various interdental cleaning devices: An in situ study. Clinical Oral Investigations, 21(2), 741–749.

Lingström, P., Berggren, U., Danser, A., & Flodström-Tullberg, M. (2019). Interdental cleaning: A systematic review of the effectiveness of different interdental cleaning techniques in reducing plaque. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 46(1), 1–14.

Shajari, F., Karimian, L., & Rezaee, A. (2016). The effect of interdental cleaning on caries prevention: A systematic review. Journal of Dentistry, 44(3), 204–213.

van der Weijden, G., Needleman, I., Baer, P., & Donos, N. (2015). Interdental brushing for oral health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6), CD009857.

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