Intervention research is the systematic investigation of complex interventions and designed to identify the effects or outcomes of the intervention on individuals or populations. It is important for researchers to use evidence-based methods when conducting intervention research to ensure that the intervention is effective and can be applied in practice (Wilson, 2020). Intervention research designs can be used to study the effects of interventions on individuals or populations, to examine the impact of changes in an existing intervention, or to develop new interventions.

Intervention research is a type of experimental research that is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention in a particular context. In this type of research, an intervention is introduced and studied to determine its impact on the research population. Intervention research is used to test the effectiveness of interventions, such as health promotion or disease prevention programs, educational interventions, or social policy interventions. The purpose of intervention research is to determine the effects of an intervention on a population’s health, well-being, or behavior.

Intervention research is a valuable tool for researchers, as it can provide an understanding of the effects of interventions on individuals or populations. It is important to consider the ethical implications of conducting intervention research, as it may have an impact on the research population. Additionally, the design of intervention research studies should be carefully planned to ensure that the results are reliable and valid.

Intervention research is a valuable tool for researchers, and it has the potential to improve the effectiveness of interventions in a variety of contexts. It is important for researchers to use evidence-based methods when conducting intervention research to ensure that the intervention is effective and can be applied in practice.


Wilson, B. G. (2020). Intervention research: Principles and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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