Jiggle Cage: Definition, History, and Characteristics

Jiggle Cage, also known as a Jiggle Game, is a type of physical game often used in classrooms and physical education classes. The game requires players to hold onto a cage-like structure, while trying to keep it from moving by shaking it, or “jiggling” it. Jiggle Cages are typically made of some type of metal or plastic frame, covered with fabric. The game is designed to be fun and engaging, while also providing physical exercise.


The Jiggle Cage was first developed in the early 1950s as a physical education game. The first version was made of metal and had a simple frame with a cloth covering, and the players had to hold onto the cage and keep it from moving. This version of the game was often used in school physical education classes and was designed to provide a fun, engaging physical activity.

In the 1980s, the Jiggle Cage was redesigned and made of plastic. This new version was lighter and easier to transport. It was also covered in brightly colored fabrics, making it more attractive and appealing to children. The new version quickly became popular, and it is still widely used in physical education classes today.


Jiggle Cages provide fun physical activity and exercise for players of all ages. The game is easy to learn, and players can quickly become skilled at it. The game requires cooperation and teamwork, as all players must work together to keep the cage from moving. The game also encourages creativity, as players must come up with ways to keep the cage from moving.

Jiggle Cages come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and can be used indoors or outdoors. They are typically lightweight and easy to transport, and they are often used in physical education classes and team-building activities.


Jiggle Cage is a fun and engaging physical game that provides exercise for players of all ages. It encourages cooperation and teamwork, while also encouraging creativity. Jiggle Cages are easy to transport and can be used indoors or outdoors. The game has been popular for decades, and it is still widely used in physical education classes today.


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Kilgour, D., & Hill, B. (2012). The use of physical activity games in physical education: An overview. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 17(2), 125-144.

Ludwig, B., & Ryan, A. (2008). Playful physical education: A review of best practices. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 13(2), 109-121.

Stuart, J., & Smith, C. (2005). Physical activity games for children: Development and evaluation of an educational resource. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 10(2), 151-168.

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