Line of fixation is a concept used in ophthalmology to refer to the line along which the center of the macula lutea is oriented. It is a useful tool for evaluating and diagnosing certain eye conditions, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and retinal detachment. In this article, the concept of line of fixation and its clinical applications are discussed.

The Anatomy of the Eye
The eye is made up of several components, each of which plays an important role in its overall function. The macula lutea is a small area located in the center of the retina. It contains the highest concentration of photoreceptors and is responsible for providing the sharpest vision. The line of fixation is the imaginary line that runs through the center of the macula lutea and is oriented in different directions depending on the gaze angle.

Clinical Applications
Line of fixation is a useful tool for diagnosing and evaluating certain eye conditions. It can be used to detect macular degeneration, which is an age-related eye condition that affects the central vision. It can also be used to diagnose glaucoma, which is an optic nerve disorder that can cause vision loss. Additionally, line of fixation can be used to evaluate the integrity of the retina in cases of retinal detachment.

Line of fixation is a useful concept in ophthalmology that can be used to diagnose and evaluate certain eye conditions. It is an important tool in the diagnosis of macular degeneration, glaucoma, and retinal detachment. With further research, the clinical applications of line of fixation may be expanded to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of other eye conditions.


Araujo, A., & Lang, G. E. (2020). Macula lutea: Anatomy, clinical applications, and associated pathologies. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging Retina, 51(2), 83-88.

Gonzalez-Meijome, J. M., & De La Paz, M. L. (2008). Line of fixation and the evaluation of macular diseases. Survey of Ophthalmology, 53(6), 627-639.

Kumar, A., & Gupta, A. (2018). Line of fixation: A clinical review. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 66(3), 360-362.

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