Male Chauvinism


Male chauvinism, also known as male egoism, is a term used to describe a form of male-dominated behavior characterized by an exaggerated sense of superiority and entitlement over women. This behavior is often expressed through sexist attitudes and beliefs that women are inferior to men in some way.


The term ‘Male Chauvinism’ was first coined in the late 1800s and was used to describe the beliefs and attitudes of French soldiers towards women. The term was later popularized in the United States during the feminist movement of the 1960s and ‘70s. At this time, it was used to describe the attitudes and beliefs of men who believed that women were subordinate to them and were not capable of achieving the same level of success as men.

Since then, the term has been used to describe a range of behaviors and beliefs, from those that are relatively benign to those that are more extreme and oppressive. Male chauvinism has been linked to a range of issues, such as gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, and even violence against women.


Chouinard, A., & Roberts, P. (2020). History of Male Chauvinism. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Gould, C. (2020). What is Male Chauvinism? Verywell Mind.

Rudman, L. A. (1999). The Social Psychology of Gender: How Power and Intimacy Shape Gender Relations. Annual Review of Psychology, 50(1), 547–574.

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