Medical Rehabilitation: The Role of Physical Therapy in Managing Impairments

Medical rehabilitation is a form of medical care that focuses on restoring physical, emotional, and social functioning in individuals who have suffered impairments due to illness, injury, or disability. Physical therapy is a key component of medical rehabilitation, and the goal of physical therapy is to help patients regain their strength, flexibility, and mobility. This article examines the role of physical therapy in managing impairments and improving quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Physical therapists use a variety of techniques to help patients regain their strength, flexibility, and mobility. These techniques include exercises, stretching, massage, and gait training. Exercise is important in helping patients regain their strength and flexibility. Stretching helps improve joint flexibility and can also help reduce pain. Massage can help reduce muscle tension and improve circulation. Gait training helps patients learn how to walk properly and can reduce the risk of falls.

Physical therapists also use assistive devices, such as walkers, canes, and wheelchairs, to help patients who are unable to walk independently. Assistive devices can improve balance, increase mobility, and reduce the risk of falls. Additionally, physical therapists can provide education on proper body mechanics and safety precautions to help patients avoid further injury.

Physical therapists also play a key role in helping patients cope with their impairments. They can provide emotional support and help patients adjust to their new lifestyle. Physical therapists also provide education on proper nutrition and exercise, which can help patients maintain their health and improve their quality of life.

Medical rehabilitation is a complex process that requires the involvement of multiple health care professionals. Physical therapists are an important part of the medical rehabilitation team, as they are uniquely qualified to assess and treat impairments in order to improve a patient’s quality of life.


American Physical Therapy Association. (2020). What is a Physical Therapist? Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Physical Therapy. Retrieved from

National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research. (2020). Rehabilitation: What is Rehabilitation? Retrieved from

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