Metempirical research is an emerging field of research in the social sciences that seeks to understand how people interact with their physical and social environment. This type of research draws upon a range of theoretical and methodological approaches from both the natural and social sciences to explore the complex relationships between humans and their physical and social surroundings. This article will provide an overview of metempirical research, discuss the types of data and methods employed, and examine the potential implications for the field.

Metempirical research is defined as an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how humans interact with their physical and social environment. This research draws from the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, psychology, geography, economics, and ecology among others. Metempirical research seeks to understand how people interact with their environment, how their behavior is shaped by physical and social factors, and how these factors can influence their well-being. This research is often conducted through qualitative and quantitative methods such as interviews, surveys, and observations.

Metempirical research can be used to study a wide range of topics. These topics can include urban development, environmental conservation, health disparities, and social inequality. This research can help to uncover the root causes of issues related to human-environment interactions and to identify potential solutions. For example, the study of urban development can involve investigating how urban planning is affected by physical and social factors such as population density, access to resources, and economic activity.

Metempirical research can also be used to gain a better understanding of how people interact with their environment. This type of research can help to identify how people’s relationships with their physical and social surroundings affect their behavior and well-being. For example, research has demonstrated that people who live in neighborhoods with greater green space and access to recreational activities have higher levels of physical and mental health than those who live in more built-up areas (Barton et al., 2020).

Finally, metempirical research can provide insights into how physical and social factors can shape human behavior and well-being. This research can help to inform policy decisions and interventions that address the root causes of issues related to human-environment interactions. For example, research can be used to examine how environmental conservation efforts such as forest preservation can benefit communities by providing access to clean water and air, and by improving physical and mental health (Pelletier et al., 2020).

In conclusion, metempirical research provides a valuable tool for understanding the complex relationships between humans and their environment. This type of research can be used to identify the root causes of human-environment interactions and to develop interventions that address these issues. Through this research, we can gain a better understanding of how physical and social factors can shape human behavior and well-being.


Barton, J. R., Koh, L. P., Grainger, S., & Gaston, K. J. (2020). The importance of green space for health and well-being in cities. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 38, 27–33.

Pelletier, E., Alonzo, M., & Vodak, D. (2020). The benefits of forest conservation for human health and wellbeing. Global Environmental Change, 63, 102095.

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