Modern Racism: A Contemporary Issue in Need of Attention

Racism is a pervasive issue in today’s society, often taking a more subtle form than in the past. Despite the progress made in the United States and other countries to reduce racism, it continues to be a pressing problem in many areas of life. This article explores the concept of modern racism, its causes, and its potential solutions.

What is Modern Racism?

Modern racism is a form of racism that is more subtle than the racism of the past. It is often expressed through microaggressions or implicit biases, rather than through explicit and overt forms of prejudice. Microaggressions are subtle, often unconscious, comments or actions that are perceived as discriminatory. Implicit bias is an unconscious, often automatic, attitude or belief about a person based on their race, gender, or other demographic characteristics.

What Causes Modern Racism?

Modern racism is caused by a variety of factors, including implicit biases, institutional discrimination, and systemic racism. Implicit biases can be formed through a variety of sources, including media, education, and even family. Institutional discrimination is the unequal treatment of people by employers, landlords, or other authorities based on their race, gender, or other demographic characteristics. Systemic racism is the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities based on race, gender, or other demographic characteristics.

Potential Solutions

There are a variety of potential solutions to modern racism, including education, policy changes, and community involvement. Education is key to reducing racism, as it helps people to better understand the causes and effects of racism and how to combat it. Policy changes, such as laws prohibiting discrimination, can also help to reduce modern racism. Finally, community involvement is essential, as it provides a platform for people to come together and discuss racism and work together to create positive change.


Modern racism is a complex issue that requires attention and action. In order to reduce racism, it is important to address the root causes, including implicit biases, institutional discrimination, and systemic racism. Education, policy changes, and community involvement are all key to reducing modern racism.


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DiAngelo, R. (2011). White fragility. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 3(3), 54-70.

Kivel, P. (2014). Uprooting racism: How white people can work for racial justice. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.

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