Morning sickness, otherwise known as nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, is a common and often distressing condition that affects up to 75% of pregnant women (Gadsby, 2009). Despite its name, symptoms of morning sickness can occur at any time of day and are typically most severe during the first trimester of pregnancy (Chou & Galan, 2017). This condition, while uncomfortable, typically resolves by the end of the first trimester and is not harmful to the developing baby (Einarson & Maltepe, 2007).

The cause of morning sickness is not known, but research suggests that hormonal changes in early pregnancy play a role (Gadsby, 2009). Other possible contributing factors include changes in taste and smell, low blood pressure, and lack of sleep (Chou & Galan, 2017). While there is no cure, there are treatments and lifestyle modifications that can help manage symptoms.

First, pregnant women should focus on eating small, frequent meals and avoiding foods that are high in fat and spices (Gadsby, 2009). Some women find that consuming crackers before getting out of bed in the morning can help reduce nausea (Gadsby, 2009). In addition, pregnant women should drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest, and try to minimize stress (Chou & Galan, 2017).

In some cases, medication may be necessary to help relieve morning sickness. Vitamin B6 has been found to be effective for some women (Einarson & Maltepe, 2007). In more severe cases, antiemetics may be prescribed (Chou & Galan, 2017).

In conclusion, morning sickness is a common symptom experienced by many pregnant women. While there is no cure, lifestyle modifications and medications can help reduce symptoms. It is important for pregnant women to speak to their healthcare provider if symptoms become severe or unbearable.


Chou, C. T., & Galan, H. L. (2017). Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy. American Family Physician, 96(6), 391-396.

Einarson, A., & Maltepe, C. (2007). A systematic review of the safety and efficacy of treatments used for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 62(10), 649-660.

Gadsby, R. (2009). Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. British Journal of Midwifery, 17(10), 638-641.

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