Mouse-Movement Adapter: A Novel Approach to Improve Computer Accessibility

This paper presents a novel approach to improve computer accessibility by using a mouse-movement adapter (MMA). The MMA is a device that is designed to be used in place of a mouse to control the cursor on the computer screen. It works by tracking the user’s hand movements and translating them into corresponding cursor movements. The goal of this device is to make computer use easier and more intuitive for those with physical disabilities or limited mobility.

The MMA is composed of two parts: the controller and the mouse-tracking sensor. The controller is a small device that attaches to the user’s hand and reads the user’s hand movements. These hand movements are then translated into corresponding cursor movements by the mouse-tracking sensor. The controller and sensor are connected to the computer via Bluetooth or USB.

The MMA has several advantages over traditional mouse use. First, it allows users to control the cursor without having to press any buttons or use a mouse. This makes it easier for those with limited mobility to use the computer. Second, the MMA is more ergonomic than a mouse, as it does not require the user to grip the mouse and move it around. Finally, the MMA is more intuitive and easier to use than a mouse, as it does not require the user to make precise movements in order to control the cursor.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the MMA, a user study was conducted. Twenty-four participants were recruited to use the device. The participants were randomly assigned to either use the MMA or a traditional mouse. The results showed that the MMA was significantly more efficient in controlling the cursor than the mouse. The participants also reported that they found the MMA to be easier to use and more intuitive than a mouse.

In conclusion, the MMA is a novel approach to improve computer accessibility. It is a device that allows users to control the cursor without having to press any buttons or use a mouse. The results of the user study showed that the MMA is significantly more efficient and intuitive than a traditional mouse.


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