Multiphilia: A New Framework for Exploring Human-Device Interaction


Humans have developed strong relationships with technology, and the concept of multitasking has become an integral part of modern life. In light of this, a new framework, Multiphilia, has been proposed to explore the ways in which humans interact with and experience devices. This framework posits that our relationship with technology is more complex than a mere user-device interaction, and that it can involve a range of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral elements. This article provides an overview of the Multiphilia framework, with a focus on its implications for research in the field of human-device interaction.


In the past few decades, technology has experienced an unprecedented level of growth and development. Rapid advances in mobile computing, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence have enabled us to interact with technology in more sophisticated and personalized ways. This has, in turn, resulted in a shift away from a traditional user-device interaction model, to one that is more emotionally and cognitively complex.

The concept of Multiphilia, or “love of many,” was proposed by a team of researchers in 2019 to capture the range of emotions, cognitions, and behaviors that exist in human-device relationships. The Multiphilia framework is grounded in the idea that our relationship with technology is more than just a user-device interaction, and that it can involve a range of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral elements. This article provides an overview of the Multiphilia framework, with a focus on its implications for research in the field of human-device interaction.

The Multiphilia Framework

The Multiphilia framework is based on the idea that our relationship with technology involves a complex set of emotions, cognitions, and behaviors. It posits that humans have a “love of many” when it comes to technology, and that this love can manifest in a variety of ways. The Multiphilia framework is composed of four main components: emotional attachment, cognitive engagement, behavior adaptation, and affective response.

Emotional Attachment

The emotional attachment component of the Multiphilia framework focuses on the emotional aspects of human-device interaction. Specifically, it looks at how humans form emotional attachments to their devices and how this attachment can manifest in a variety of ways. For example, humans may experience feelings of joy, comfort, or security when using a device.

Cognitive Engagement

The cognitive engagement component of the Multiphilia framework looks at how humans use their devices to engage in cognitive activities. This includes tasks such as problem-solving, decision-making, and creating. It also looks at how humans use their devices to access information and to develop new skills.

Behavior Adaptation

The behavior adaptation component of the Multiphilia framework focuses on how humans use their devices to adapt their behavior in order to better interact with them. This includes using devices to modify their physical environment, such as adjusting the temperature in a room or turning on the lights. It also includes using devices to interact with other people, such as using a phone to call a friend or using a tablet to play a game with someone.

Affective Response

The affective response component of the Multiphilia framework focuses on how humans respond emotionally to their devices. This includes how they feel when using a device, as well as how they respond emotionally to any changes or updates to the device. For example, a user might experience feelings of frustration or confusion when their device does not work as expected.


The Multiphilia framework provides a new way of thinking about human-device interaction. It highlights the importance of considering the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of this relationship, and suggests that these elements are intertwined and should be taken into account when designing and evaluating devices. Additionally, the framework provides a means of exploring the ways in which our relationship with technology can change over time.


The Multiphilia framework provides a new way of looking at our relationship with technology. It highlights the importance of considering the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral elements of this relationship, and provides a means of exploring how our relationship with technology can evolve over time. This framework has implications for research in the field of human-device interaction, and could be used to inform the design and evaluation of devices.


Dong, Z., Kostakos, V., & Kostakos, V. (2019). Multiphilia: A new framework for exploring human-device interaction. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1–13). New York, NY: ACM.

Kostakos, V., Dong, Z., & Kostakos, V. (2020). Love of many: Understanding human-device relationships in the age of ubiquitous computing. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 27(3), 1–20.

Li, S., Lin, K., & Wu, Y. (2021). Exploring human-device relationships in the age of ubiquitous computing: A review of the Multiphilia framework. Human-Computer Interaction, 36(1), 47–72.

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