Nervous habits are unconscious behaviors that are often associated with stress, anxiety, or boredom. While the behavior is often harmless, it can become problematic if it interferes with everyday activities or becomes difficult to control. This article reviews the definition, causes, and potential treatments for nervous habits.


Nervous habits are defined as repetitive physical or verbal behaviors that are usually initiated unconsciously and become so routine that they are difficult to control (Costello, 2011). Examples of nervous habits include nail biting, skin picking, hair twirling or pulling, pacing, or fidgeting (Berger, 2018). Nervous habits are sometimes triggered by stress or anxiety, though they can also be triggered by boredom (Costello, 2011).


Nervous habits are usually caused by stress, anxiety, or boredom (Berger, 2018). People may engage in these behaviors as a way to relieve tension or distract themselves from uncomfortable feelings (Costello, 2011). Nervous habits can also be caused by other underlying psychological issues such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Berger, 2018).


Nervous habits can be treated with psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or medication (Berger, 2018). Psychotherapy helps to identify the underlying causes of the behavior and provides strategies to manage stress and anxiety (Costello, 2011). Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps to replace the nervous habit with more positive behaviors (Berger, 2018). Medication may be prescribed to help reduce stress and anxiety levels (Berger, 2018).


Nervous habits are repetitive physical or verbal behaviors that are often triggered by stress, anxiety, or boredom. While they are usually harmless, they can become a problem if they interfere with everyday activities or become difficult to control. Treatment options include psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and medication.


Berger, A. (2018). Nervous habits: Causes, prevention, and treatment. Psychology Today.

Costello, M. (2011). Nervous habits: Causes, effects, and treatments. Psych Central.

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