Object love is a phenomenon that has been studied by psychologists and sociologists alike, as it serves as an important factor in human relationships. Object love is defined as “a form of love that involves an emotional attachment to an object, such as a stuffed animal, a piece of clothing, or a car” (Weinberger, 2016). Humans can develop strong feelings for objects, which can lead to an emotional bond and a sense of comfort. This type of attachment can have a positive effect on the individual’s emotional well-being.

Object love can be seen in many different forms. For example, an individual may develop a strong attachment to a specific item, such as a stuffed animal or a piece of jewelry, which can serve as a source of comfort and security. Additionally, some individuals may form attachments to inanimate objects, such as a car or a house. These objects can provide a sense of stability and familiarity, which can be beneficial in times of stress or difficulty.

Object love can also be seen in relationships between people. This type of attachment can form when individuals share an emotional bond with each other, such as when two people share a common interest or have a shared history. This type of attachment can be beneficial for both parties, as it can provide a sense of security and comfort.

Object love is an important factor in human relationships, as it can provide individuals with a sense of security and comfort. This type of attachment can be seen in many different forms, ranging from an individual’s attachment to an inanimate object to the attachment between two people. The effects of object love can be beneficial for the individual, as it can provide a sense of stability and familiarity.


Weinberger, D. (2016). Object Love. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/object-love

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