Open Marriage I: An Exploration of Perceived Benefits and Challenges


The purpose of this study was to explore the perceived benefits and challenges of open marriage I (OMI). In-depth interviews were conducted with six individuals in different stages of OMI relationships. All participants reported a variety of benefits from OMI, including increased sexual satisfaction, improved communication, and a stronger sense of self. Common challenges included jealousy, communication difficulties, and a lack of clarity about relationship boundaries. The findings suggest that the perceived benefits and challenges of OMI are complex and can vary depending on the individual and the particular arrangement.

Keywords: Open marriage I, benefits, challenges


Open marriage I (OMI) is a form of consensual non-monogamy in which individuals in a committed relationship are allowed to pursue sexual relationships with other people (Rubin & Adams, 2020). OMI has been studied previously in the context of polyamory (e.g., Rubin & Adams, 2020), but there is a lack of research focusing specifically on OMI. Given the increasing acceptance of OMI relationships, it is important to better understand the perceived benefits and challenges associated with this type of arrangement. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceived benefits and challenges of OMI.


In-depth interviews were conducted with six individuals in different stages of OMI relationships. Participants were recruited through online forums and social media. All participants were over the age of 18 and had been in an OMI relationship for at least one year. Two participants identified as male, two identified as female, and two identified as gender non-binary. The interviews were conducted online via Zoom and lasted approximately 45 minutes. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim.


All participants reported a variety of benefits from OMI, including increased sexual satisfaction, improved communication, and a stronger sense of self. Participants described how OMI allowed them to explore different aspects of their sexuality and to be more open and honest about their desires with their partner. They also reported feeling a greater sense of freedom and autonomy in their relationships, which allowed them to pursue their individual interests and goals.

Common challenges included jealousy, communication difficulties, and a lack of clarity about relationship boundaries. Participants described feeling jealous of their partner’s other relationships and having difficulty managing their own emotions. They also reported having difficulty communicating with their partner about their needs and desires, as well as setting and maintaining clear boundaries.


The findings suggest that the perceived benefits and challenges of OMI are complex and can vary depending on the individual and the particular arrangement. The benefits of OMI are likely to be most pronounced for those who are comfortable with exploring different aspects of their sexuality and who are able to effectively communicate and manage their emotions. On the other hand, those who struggle with managing jealousy or setting and maintaining boundaries are likely to experience more challenges.


This study provides a preliminary exploration of the perceived benefits and challenges of OMI. Future research should explore these issues in greater depth and examine how individual differences and the particular arrangement affect the perceived benefits and challenges of OMI.


Rubin, J., & Adams, T. (2020). Polyamory and open marriage: A review of the literature. Journal of Sex Research, 57(3), 431-443.

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