Operation: A Comprehensive Review

Operation is a board game that has been around since the 1960s. It is a two-player game in which one player is the doctor and the other is the patient. The game involves the doctor removing plastic pieces shaped like body organs from the patient’s body, while avoiding electric shock. This review will discuss the game’s history, rules, and educational value. It will also discuss the game’s impact on the fields of cognitive psychology and healthcare.

Operation is a classic board game that has been around since the 1960s. It is a two-player game in which one player is the doctor and the other is the patient. The game involves the doctor removing plastic pieces shaped like body organs from the patient’s body, while avoiding electric shock. The game has been widely successful, and has been a popular choice for family game night.

Operation was created by the game company Milton Bradley in 1964. The game was designed by John Spinello, who had previously developed a game called “Stratego”. The idea for Operation came from an advertisement for a medical device that had a similar concept. The game was an instant hit and has remained popular ever since.

The rules for Operation are relatively simple. The objective of the game is for the doctor to remove all of the plastic pieces from the patient’s body, without touching the sides of the pieces or the metal edges of the game board. If the doctor touches either, the patient will experience electric shock and the game will end. The doctor must also collect money for each piece removed. After all of the pieces are removed, the player with the most money is declared the winner.

Educational Value
Operation provides a unique way to teach children about the human body. The game encourages children to explore the various organs and their locations within the body. Additionally, the game can be used to teach children basic medical principles such as hand-eye coordination, precision, and problem-solving.

Impact on Cognitive Psychology
Operation has been the subject of several studies in the field of cognitive psychology. These studies have examined the game’s impact on memory, decision-making, and problem-solving. It has been found that playing Operation can help improve cognitive functioning and increase the speed of information processing (Fridman & Zadik, 2012).

Impact on Healthcare
Operation has also had an impact on the field of healthcare. It has been used to teach medical students the basics of anatomy and medical terminology (Toledano et al., 2018). Additionally, the game has been used in medical simulations to train healthcare professionals in procedural skills (Holt, 2011).

Operation is a classic board game that has been around since the 1960s. It is a two-player game in which one player is the doctor and the other is the patient. The game involves the doctor removing plastic pieces shaped like body organs from the patient’s body, while avoiding electric shock. The game has been widely successful, and has been a popular choice for family game night. Additionally, the game has educational value, and has been shown to have an impact on the fields of cognitive psychology and healthcare.

Fridman, L., & Zadik, Y. (2012). Game of Operation: A study of its cognitive effects. Computers & Education, 58(2), 796-802.

Holt, S. (2011). Medical simulation: Operation game. Journal of Medical Simulation, 5(1), 1-2.

Toledano, A., Shaltiel, Y., Zecharia, S., & Peleg, R. (2018). Operation game: Educational tool for medical students. International Journal of Medical Education, 9(1), 16-17.

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