Family is an important factor in the development of a healthy, successful individual. Over the past decade, the concept of “opportunity families” has emerged as a valuable way to support children’s development. Opportunity families are defined as families that provide their children with educational and financial support, support for self-expression and exploration, and overall positive reinforcement (McLaughlin, 2016).

Opportunity families have been found to have a range of positive effects on children. Research has found that children in opportunity families are more likely to have higher educational achievements, better social skills, higher self-esteem, and better overall emotional health (Wang & Liu, 2019). Additionally, children in opportunity families are more likely to be independent and self-sufficient in adulthood (McLaughlin, 2016).

Opportunity families provide children with a variety of resources and support that can be difficult to find in other family structures. Parents in opportunity families often have higher incomes, which can provide their children with access to educational resources and extracurricular activities (McLaughlin, 2016). Additionally, parents in opportunity families are more likely to be educated and to have the resources and time to focus on their children’s physical, emotional, and intellectual development (Wang & Liu, 2019).

Opportunity families also provide a supportive environment for children. Parents in opportunity families are more likely to be emotionally available and involved in their children’s lives (McLaughlin, 2016). They provide their children with positive reinforcement, allowing their children to explore their interests and engage in meaningful conversations (Wang & Liu, 2019). Additionally, opportunity families are more likely to have strong familial bonds, which can provide children with a sense of security and stability (McLaughlin, 2016).

Overall, opportunity families can provide children with the resources, support, and stability necessary for successful development. These families are becoming increasingly important in today’s society, as they provide children with a range of benefits that can be difficult to find in other family structures.

McLaughlin, R. (2016). The importance of opportunity families. In B. J. Duncan (Ed.), Families and communities (pp. 75-85). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Wang, X., & Liu, L. (2019). The effects of opportunity families on children’s development. International Journal of Family Studies, 25(2), 133–151. https://doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2019.1612639

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