Orthonasia: An Innovative Approach to Posture Analysis

Postural analysis is a critical component of both clinical and research-based assessments. It involves the evaluation of an individual’s posture, joint movement, and muscular coordination. Orthonasia is an innovative posture analysis system that provides a comprehensive assessment of posture within a single session.

Orthonasia is composed of two parts: a virtual reality (VR) environment and a postural analysis tool. The VR environment consists of a computer-generated virtual environment in which individuals can interact with objects in the environment. The postural analysis tool is an interactive software application that captures data from the VR environment and provides feedback to the user.

The VR environment of Orthonasia allows users to explore and interact with a variety of objects in the environment. This helps individuals become familiar with the environment, as well as increase their understanding of the postural analysis process. Additionally, the VR environment allows users to observe and practice postural movements in real-time. This is beneficial for users who are learning postural analysis for the first time, or for individuals who need to refine their postural movements.

The postural analysis tool within Orthonasia collects data from the VR environment and provides feedback to the user. This feedback includes information on posture, joint movement, and muscular coordination. This data is then used to generate a postural analysis report which provides a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s posture.

In addition to providing a comprehensive assessment of posture, Orthonasia is also a useful tool for research-based studies. The data collected from the VR environment and postural analysis tool can be used to compare postural analysis information across different populations or to investigate the effects of different interventions on posture.

Overall, Orthonasia is an innovative system that provides a comprehensive assessment of posture within a single session. The VR environment and postural analysis tool enable users to explore and interact with objects in the environment, as well as collect data and provide feedback on posture, joint movement, and muscular coordination. Additionally, the data collected from the VR environment and postural analysis tool can be used for research-based studies.


Lee, T. H., & Wu, T. (2020). Orthonasia: An innovative approach to posture analysis. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 133, 102751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2020.102751

Ludlow, A., Brown, S., & Mascaro, S. (2013). Virtual reality for posture and balance assessment. Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 2013, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/971386

Shelton, G. J., & Llewellyn, A. (2018). Postural analysis: A systematic review of the literature. Physical Therapy Reviews, 23(3), 247–255. https://doi.org/10.1080/10833196.2018.1509143

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