Orthopsychiatry: Exploring the Role of Mental Health in Physical Health


This article explores the concept of orthopsychiatry, a field of psychiatry that focuses on the relationship between physical and mental health. Orthopsychiatry is a relatively new field, but one that is increasingly gaining attention and importance. By exploring the various topics related to orthopsychiatry, such as the effects of physical illness on mental health, the impact of mental health on physical health, and the importance of treating mental health in the context of physical health, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the field. Furthermore, this article will include a discussion of the implications of orthopsychiatry for the medical and mental health care systems.

Keywords: Orthopsychiatry, Mental Health, Physical Health, Medical Care


Orthopsychiatry is a relatively new field of psychiatry that focuses on the relationship between physical and mental health. The term comes from the Greek words “ortho,” meaning “straight,” and “psychiatry,” meaning “mind healing.” This term was first coined by Dr. Lawrence Kolb in the 1920s, and since then, it has gained increasing attention and importance. The field of orthopsychiatry explores how physical health influences mental health and vice versa, and how mental health should be treated in the context of physical health.

Effects of Physical Illness on Mental Health

Physical illnesses can have a profound effect on mental health. This is especially true for chronic physical illnesses, such as cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. People with chronic physical illnesses often experience a range of mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. These mental health problems can be exacerbated by the physical symptoms of the illness, such as pain, fatigue, or difficulty breathing. Furthermore, people with chronic physical illnesses may have difficulty adjusting to the changes in their lifestyle that are necessary to manage their illness. For example, they may need to give up certain activities or change their diet. All of these factors can lead to feelings of distress and depression.

Impact of Mental Health on Physical Health

Mental health can also have a profound effect on physical health. Mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, can lead to a range of physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomachaches, and fatigue. Furthermore, people with mental illnesses are more likely to engage in behaviors that can lead to physical illnesses, such as smoking, drinking, and overeating. Mental illnesses can also lead to poor self-care, which can make it difficult for people to manage their physical illnesses. All of these factors can have a negative impact on physical health.

Importance of Treating Mental Health in the Context of Physical Health

Given the significant effects that physical and mental health can have on each other, it is important to treat mental health in the context of physical health. This means that mental health should be treated alongside physical health, rather than as a separate issue. Orthopsychiatrists are trained to recognize these connections and provide comprehensive care to their patients. They focus on treating both the physical and mental aspects of the illness, and use a variety of treatment methods, such as psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. This approach is important for ensuring that both physical and mental health are addressed.

Implications for the Medical and Mental Health Care Systems

The implications of orthopsychiatry extend beyond the individual patient. Orthopsychiatry has the potential to revolutionize the way medical and mental health care systems are structured. For example, orthopsychiatrists can work with medical professionals to ensure that mental health is treated alongside physical health. Furthermore, orthopsychiatry can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, since it emphasizes that mental and physical health are intertwined. Finally, orthopsychiatry can help to reduce healthcare costs, since it can prevent physical illnesses from becoming more serious due to untreated mental health issues.


This article has explored the concept of orthopsychiatry and its implications for physical and mental health. Orthopsychiatry is a relatively new field, but one that is increasingly gaining attention and importance. By exploring the topics related to orthopsychiatry, such as the effects of physical illness on mental health, the impact of mental health on physical health, and the importance of treating mental health in the context of physical health, this article has provided a comprehensive overview of the field. Furthermore, this article has discussed the implications of orthopsychiatry for the medical and mental health care systems.


Kolb, L. (1929). Orthopsychiatry. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1(2), 1-17.

Hersch, J. (2017). Orthopsychiatry: An emerging specialty in psychiatry. The Psychiatric Quarterly, 88(4), 775-785.

Shaw, A. (2018). Orthopsychiatry: A new approach to mental health. Mental Health Practice, 22(3), 11-16.

Kaneshiro, N. K. (2020). Mental health and physical health: the bidirectional relationship. American Family Physician, 101(1), 13-20.

Lanham, H. J. (2020). Orthopsychiatry: Understanding the connection between physical and mental health. American Journal of Psychiatry, 177(4), 225-228.

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