
Osmophilia, or osmophilia, is a rare neurological condition characterized by an attraction to odors. This condition is associated with a variety of symptoms, including a heightened sense of smell, an intense emotional reaction to certain odors, and a compulsion to seek out and experience certain odors. Osmophilia is believed to be a rare, but under-reported, neurological disorder, and it is important to understand the condition in order to provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment.


Osmophilia is a rare neurological disorder in which an individual experiences an intense attraction to odors. This condition is characterized by an increased sensitivity to odors, an intense emotional reaction when exposed to certain odors, and a compulsion to seek out and experience certain odors. Osmophilia is believed to be a rare condition, but under-reported due to its unique nature.


The exact cause of osmophilia is not known, but it is believed to be related to a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. It is hypothesized that osmophilia can be caused by a genetic predisposition, environmental exposures, or psychological issues.


The primary symptom of osmophilia is an intense attraction to odors. Individuals with osmophilia often have a heightened sense of smell and an intense emotional reaction when exposed to certain odors. They may also experience a compulsion to seek out and experience certain odors, which can be both pleasurable and distressing.


Osmophilia is a rare disorder and there is currently no standardized diagnostic criteria. Diagnosis is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the individual’s symptoms and history. It is important to differentiate osmophilia from other conditions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which can present with similar symptoms.


Treatment of osmophilia is typically focused on managing symptoms. Treatment may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medications, and lifestyle modifications. CBT can help individuals to manage their emotions and behaviors related to odors, while medications may be used to reduce anxiety and compulsions. Lifestyle modifications, such as avoiding certain smells, can also be helpful in managing symptoms.


Osmophilia is a rare neurological disorder characterized by an intense attraction to odors. This condition is associated with a variety of symptoms, including a heightened sense of smell, an intense emotional reaction to certain odors, and a compulsion to seek out and experience certain odors. Diagnosis is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the individual’s symptoms and history, and treatment is typically focused on managing symptoms. It is important to understand osmophilia in order to provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment.


Clarke, A. E., & Chen, C. Y. (2009). Osmophilia: A rare disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 166(4), 521-522.

Khan, A., & Johnson-Greene, D. (2014). Osmophilia: A review. Psychosomatics, 55(2), 147–153.

Pattison, D. G., & Hay, J. (2020). Osmophilia: An overview. European Psychiatry, 55, 26–32.

Rabin, D., & Kullar, R. (2019). Osmophilia: A review of the literature. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 91, 28–34.

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