Outplacement Counseling: An Overview

Outplacement counseling is a form of counseling designed to assist individuals who have been laid off or otherwise displaced in the workforce. It is intended to help individuals develop the skills and resources needed to find new employment and re-enter the workforce. This article provides an overview of outplacement counseling, including its history, current practices, and benefits.


Outplacement counseling has been a part of the changing workforce for more than sixty years. It was first developed in the 1950s in response to the growing number of workers being laid off due to automation and the changing nature of work. Initially, outplacement counseling was offered as a service to organizations looking to reduce costs associated with layoffs. It was seen as a way to help reduce the financial and emotional costs of a layoff. Over time, outplacement counseling has evolved to become more focused on the individual, with the goal of helping them find new employment and re-enter the workforce.

Current Practices

Outplacement counseling typically involves a series of workshops and individual sessions that are tailored to the individual’s specific needs. During these sessions, individuals are provided with the resources and skills they need to find new employment. This may include resume writing, job search strategies, and interview preparation. Additionally, outplacement counselors may provide career counseling to help individuals identify potential career paths and job opportunities.


Outplacement counseling can offer numerous benefits to individuals who have been laid off or displaced from the workforce. First, outplacement counselors can provide individuals with the skills and resources they need to find new employment. This can help to reduce the financial and emotional costs associated with a layoff. Additionally, outplacement counselors can provide support and guidance throughout the job search process. This can help individuals to remain motivated and focused on finding new employment.


Outplacement counseling is a form of counseling designed to help individuals who have been laid off or otherwise displaced in the workforce. It has been a part of the changing workforce for more than sixty years and is designed to help individuals develop the skills and resources needed to find new employment and re-enter the workforce. Outplacement counseling can offer numerous benefits to individuals, including the provision of skills and resources needed to find new employment, and support and guidance throughout the job search process.


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Korn Ferry. (2020). Outplacement services. Retrieved from https://www.kornferry.com/services/outplacement-services

McDowell, I., & Newell, C. (1997). Measuring health: A guide to rating scales and questionnaires (Vol. 2). Oxford University Press, USA.

U.S. Department of Labor. (2019). Outplacement services for displaced workers. Retrieved from https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/outplacement-services-displaced-workers

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