Overage is a term used to describe the situation in which a person’s age is higher than the age of majority, which is 18 years old in most countries. Overage can have serious implications on the individual’s life, including legal, social, financial, and psychological consequences. This article will discuss the causes, effects, and implications of overage.

Causes of Overage
Overage is often caused by a lack of education and awareness of the legal age of majority in a particular jurisdiction. In some cases, individuals may not be aware of their exact age, or may not have access to the necessary documentation to prove their age. In other cases, an individual may deliberately misrepresent their age in order to gain access to services or privileges that they would otherwise be ineligible for due to their age.

Effects of Overage
When an individual is overage, they may be denied access to services or privileges that are only available to those of a certain age. This can have serious consequences for the individual, as they may be deprived of the opportunity to fully participate in society. Additionally, overage individuals may be subject to legal penalties, such as fines or imprisonment, for activities that are only allowed for those of a certain age.

Implications of Overage
Overage has both short-term and long-term implications on the individual. In the short-term, an overage individual may be denied access to services, employment opportunities, or privileges that are only available to those of a certain age. In the long-term, an overage individual may face legal penalties, financial insecurity, social stigma, and psychological distress.

Overage can have serious implications on the individual, including legal penalties, financial insecurity, social stigma, and psychological distress. It is important to ensure that individuals are aware of the legal age of majority in their jurisdiction, and that reliable documentation is available to verify their age.

Friedman, J., & Schulman, S. (2020). The law of age discrimination. Oxford University Press.

Kee, E., & Schafer, J. (2019). International human rights law: An introduction. Routledge.

Miles, I., & Shaw, D. (2018). The law of age discrimination in the UK. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Rugg, J. (2015). The law of age discrimination in employment. Oxford University Press.

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