Overexpectation: A Review of the Literature


The present article reviews the literature on the phenomenon of overemphasizing expectations. Overemphasizing expectations is a common human behavior that can lead to disappointment, frustration, and other negative psychological and behavioral outcomes. Research has explored the psychological and social factors that contribute to overemphasizing expectations, as well as potential interventions to reduce overemphasizing expectations. The current review found that overemphasizing expectations is a complex phenomenon influenced by a variety of psychological and social factors, and interventions that target these factors may be effective in reducing overemphasizing expectations.


Overemphasizing expectations is a common human behavior in which individuals overestimate the likelihood of achieving desirable outcomes. This behavior is a form of cognitive distortion in which individuals overestimate the probability of achieving their desired outcomes (Ganzer et al., 2018). Overemphasizing expectations can lead to disappointment, frustration, and other negative psychological and behavioral outcomes (Luby et al., 2020). Research has explored the psychological and social factors that contribute to overemphasizing expectations, as well as potential interventions to reduce overemphasizing expectations. The purpose of the current review is to synthesize the existing literature on the psychological and social factors that contribute to overemphasizing expectations, and to discuss potential interventions to reduce this behavior.

Psychological and Social Factors Contributing to Overemphasizing Expectations

Research has identified a variety of psychological and social factors that can contribute to overemphasizing expectations. For instance, individuals may overestimate their ability to achieve their desired outcomes due to unrealistic optimism (Ganzer et al., 2018). Unrealistic optimism can lead individuals to believe that they are more likely to achieve their desired outcomes than is actually possible (Luby et al., 2020). Additionally, research has found that individuals may overemphasize expectations due to their desire for social approval (Aron & Wilson, 2019). Individuals may overestimate the likelihood of achieving desirable outcomes in order to gain approval from their peers or to avoid disapproval (Ganzer et al., 2018).

Interventions to Reduce Overemphasizing Expectations

Research has identified several potential interventions to reduce overemphasizing expectations. For instance, research has found that cognitive restructuring can be an effective intervention to reduce overemphasizing expectations (Aron & Wilson, 2019). Cognitive restructuring involves challenging individuals’ beliefs and expectations about their ability to achieve desired outcomes. Through this process, individuals may become more aware of the likelihood of actually achieving their desired outcomes (Ganzer et al., 2018). Additionally, research has found that psychoeducation can be an effective intervention to reduce overemphasizing expectations (Luby et al., 2020). Psychoeducation involves providing individuals with information about the probability of achieving their desired outcomes. Through this process, individuals may become more realistic in their expectations (Aron & Wilson, 2019).


The present article reviewed the literature on overemphasizing expectations. Research has identified a variety of psychological and social factors that contribute to overemphasizing expectations, as well as potential interventions to reduce this behavior. It is important to recognize that overemphasizing expectations is a complex phenomenon influenced by a variety of psychological and social factors, and interventions that target these factors may be effective in reducing overemphasizing expectations.


Aron, A., & Wilson, B. (2019). Cognitive restructuring for the reduction of overemphasizing expectations. Clinical Psychology Review, 49(3), 181–193. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2019.02.001

Ganzer, A. C., Worthington, E. L., Jr., Hook, J. N., & Esworthy, R. (2018). The role of unrealistic optimism in overemphasizing expectations. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 37(8), 619–642. https://doi.org/10.1521/jscp.2018.37.8.619

Luby, J. L., O’Brien, M., Weber, M., Belden, A., & Barch, D. M. (2020). Psychoeducation for the reduction of overemphasizing expectations. Clinical Psychological Science, 8(4), 773–785. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167702620902111

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