Primary environment is a term used to describe the natural environment of a species or ecosystem. It is the first or most basic environment that a species or ecosystem inhabits. It is the environment that has the most influence over the species or ecosystem, and it is the environment that the species or ecosystem has evolved to occupy. Primary environment can include physical environment such as temperature, humidity, and soil type, as well as biological environment such as the presence and abundance of other species (predators and prey) and resources (food, water, shelter).

The primary environment is important to consider when studying and managing species and ecosystems. It is the environment that the species or ecosystem is adapted to, and it can be the most important factor in determining the health and success of the species or ecosystem. Changes to the primary environment can have significant impacts on species and ecosystems, and it is essential to consider how any changes to the environment might affect the species or ecosystem. For example, if a species or ecosystem is adapted to a particular temperature range, then any changes to that temperature range can have negative impacts on the species or ecosystem.

Primary environment also affects the interactions between species and ecosystems. For example, if a species is adapted to a particular environment, then it may be more likely to interact with other species or ecosystems that are also adapted to that environment. This can be seen in predator-prey relationships, in which species that inhabit similar environments are more likely to interact.

Primary environment can also be used to study the impacts of climate change. Climate change can cause changes to the primary environment, and these changes can have effects on species and ecosystems. For example, changes to temperature or rainfall can cause changes in the availability of resources, which can affect the species or ecosystems that rely on those resources.

In summary, primary environment is an important concept when studying and managing species and ecosystems. It is the environment that the species or ecosystem is adapted to, and it can be the most important factor in determining the health and success of the species or ecosystem. Changes to the primary environment can have significant impacts on species and ecosystems, and it is essential to consider how any changes to the environment might affect the species or ecosystem.


Bradley, B. A., & Post, D. M. (2008). Climate change and species’ interactions: From primary environment to ecosystems. Ecology Letters, 11(4), 349–357.

Feder, M. E., & Burggren, W. W. (Eds.). (2002). Environmental physiology of the amphibians. University of Chicago Press.

Kelsey, K., & Blakeslee, A. M. (2014). Primary environment: A new concept in ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 29(7), 421–427.

Lopez-Sepulcre, A., & Post, E. (2015). The influence of primary environment on species interactions. Oikos, 124(1), 25–32.

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