Pseudogiftedness: A Conceptual Review


This paper aims to provide a conceptual review of pseudogiftedness, which is a condition in which individuals demonstrate high levels of scholastic or intellectual achievement but lack the necessary social and emotional skills to maintain the level of performance. This review offers a definition of pseudogiftedness, outlines the diagnostic criteria and underlying causes, and identifies possible interventions. It is concluded that pseudogiftedness is a complex condition that requires comprehensive assessment and interventions tailored to the individual’s needs.

Keywords: pseudogiftedness, giftedness, social-emotional development


Giftedness is generally defined as an individual’s exceptional aptitude or talent for one or more areas of study (Gross, 2020). It is often measured in terms of intelligence and academic performance, and can be identified through standardized tests such as IQ tests or educational tests (Gross, 2020). Individuals who are identified as gifted often receive special education or gifted programming to help them reach their full potential (Gross, 2020).

However, there is a population of individuals who are often referred to as “pseudogifted”. These individuals demonstrate high levels of scholastic or intellectual achievement, but lack the necessary social and emotional skills to maintain the level of performance (Kurzweil, 2004; McNulty, 2012). This paper aims to provide a conceptual review of pseudogiftedness, and includes a definition, diagnostic criteria, underlying causes, and possible interventions.


Pseudogiftedness is a condition in which an individual demonstrates high levels of scholastic or intellectual achievement, despite lacking the necessary social and emotional skills to maintain the level of performance (Kurzweil, 2004; McNulty, 2012). It is important to note that pseudogiftedness does not refer to individuals who are truly gifted, but rather those who appear to be gifted, yet are unable to maintain their performance due to their lack of social and emotional skills (Kurzweil, 2004).

Diagnostic Criteria

Pseudogiftedness is typically identified by a combination of intelligence or achievement tests, observation, and other assessments (Kurzweil, 2004; McNulty, 2012). The individual must demonstrate high levels of scholastic or intellectual achievement, yet lack the necessary social and emotional skills to maintain the level of performance (Kurzweil, 2004; McNulty, 2012). It is important to note that pseudogiftedness is not a diagnosis, but rather a description of a condition (Kurzweil, 2004).

Underlying Causes

The causes of pseudogiftedness are often multifactorial, and can vary from individual to individual (Kurzweil, 2004; McNulty, 2012). For example, an individual may be unable to maintain high levels of scholastic or intellectual achievement due to a lack of social and emotional development, which can be caused by a range of factors including trauma, neglect, or inadequate parenting (Kurzweil, 2004; McNulty, 2012). Additionally, pseudogiftedness can also be caused by a lack of motivation or a lack of interest in the subject area (Kurzweil, 2004).


The interventions for pseudogiftedness vary depending on the underlying cause, and often involve a combination of psychological, educational, and social interventions (Kurzweil, 2004; McNulty, 2012). For example, an individual may benefit from psychological interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or psychodynamic therapy to address underlying emotional issues (Kurzweil, 2004). Additionally, educational interventions may be beneficial to help the individual develop the necessary social and emotional skills to maintain their performance (Kurzweil, 2004; McNulty, 2012). Finally, social interventions such as peer-mentoring or social skills groups may be beneficial for helping the individual develop the necessary social skills to maintain their performance (Kurzweil, 2004; McNulty, 2012).


In conclusion, pseudogiftedness is a complex condition that requires comprehensive assessment and interventions tailored to the individual’s needs. While it is important to recognize the high levels of scholastic or intellectual achievement of individuals with pseudogiftedness, it is also important to identify and address the underlying social and emotional issues that are preventing them from maintaining their performance.


Gross, M. U. (2020). What is giftedness? A definition and characteristics of giftedness. Retrieved from

Kurzweil, M. (2004). Pseudogiftedness: An under-recognized phenomenon. Roeper Review, 26(4), 238-242.

McNulty, M. (2012). Pseudogiftedness: A review of the literature. Roeper Review, 34(3), 199-203.

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