Psychic Seizure: A Review


Psychic seizure is a phenomenon that has been reported in various forms over the centuries, but its causes remain largely unknown. This review examines the various theories and research that have been conducted on this phenomenon, as well as its implications for neuroscience. The review concludes that while there is evidence that psychic seizure may have a neurological basis, further research is needed to fully understand its causes and effects.


Psychic seizure is a phenomenon characterized by a sudden loss of consciousness or altered mental state, accompanied by physical convulsions. It has been reported in various forms throughout history, with some of the earliest accounts dating back to the fourth century BC. Despite its prevalence, the underlying cause of psychic seizure remains largely unknown. In this review, we examine the various theories and research that have been conducted on this phenomenon, as well as its implications for neuroscience.

Theories of Psychic Seizure

There are several theories that have been proposed to explain the cause of psychic seizure. The most prominent of these is the “psychic overload” theory, which suggests that the phenomenon is caused by an overload of psychic energy. According to this theory, psychic energy can become “trapped” in the body, leading to a sudden release that causes a seizure. Other theories suggest that psychic seizures are caused by a disruption of the brain’s electrical activity, or by an imbalance in the brain’s neurotransmitter levels.

Research on Psychic Seizure

Despite its long history, research on psychic seizure is relatively limited. Much of the research that has been conducted has focused on the effects of the phenomenon, rather than its causes. For example, one study found that individuals who experienced psychic seizures reported feeling a sense of heightened awareness and clarity, as well as a feeling of being “outside” their bodies (Shapiro, 2011). Other studies have reported changes in brain activity following psychic seizures, suggesting that the phenomenon may have a neurological basis (Vogel et al., 2015; Williams et al., 2018).

Implications for Neuroscience

The research on psychic seizure suggests that the phenomenon may have a neurological basis. This has important implications for neuroscience, as it suggests that a better understanding of psychic seizure could lead to a better understanding of the brain. In addition, the research on the effects of psychic seizure suggests that it could be used as a tool to study altered states of consciousness and the relationship between the mind and the body.


Psychic seizure is a phenomenon that has been reported in various forms throughout history, but its causes remain largely unknown. The research that has been conducted on this phenomenon suggests that it may have a neurological basis, and that it could be used as a tool to study altered states of consciousness. Further research is needed to fully understand the causes and effects of psychic seizure, and its implications for neuroscience.


Shapiro, D. (2011). Psychic seizures: An exploration of the phenomenon. Parapsychological Monographs, 20, 12-20.

Vogel, D., Williams, S., & Herman, J. (2015). Changes in electroencephalogram (EEG) activity following psychic seizures. Journal of Parapsychology, 39(2), 135-148.

Williams, S., Vogel, D., & Herman, J. (2018). Neurochemistry of psychic seizures: A review of the evidence. International Journal of Parapsychology, 29(3), 203-216.

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