A psychotherapeutic technique attempting to help clients gain insight and alter behavior. The technique consists of several forms of acting out roles or past incidents in the client’s life. The client (or protagonist) is the “star” of the drama and acts out his or her problems. There is a “supporting cast” of trained auxiliary actors who perform supporting roles and the therapist, acting as the “director of the play”. The therapist will also conduct a session afterward to interpret the important factors revealed in the drama. Several techniques are utilized in the dramatic pursuit, including exchanging roles, , dream re-enactment, and soliloquy. The drama may have elements of sociodrama, physioddrama, axiodrama and hypnodrama. Whatever the mode and whatever the means, the end result is furthering the understanding of their individual psychological make-up by the client.

PSYCHODRAMA: “The client was skeptical of the value of psychodrama, but after a few sessions, discovered that she not only gained insight, but had actual talent as an actress.”
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