Psychometrics is the science of psychological measurement and assessment. It involves the study of how to measure and assess psychological phenomena such as intelligence, personality, abilities, interests, and attitudes. The Psychometric Society is an international, non-profit scientific organization dedicated to advancing the science of psychometrics. Founded in 1947, it is one of the oldest and most prestigious organizations in the field.

The Society’s mission is to promote and advance the science of psychometrics by providing a forum for research, education, and the dissemination of knowledge about psychometrics. It also works to foster collaboration and communication among researchers, practitioners, educators, and policy makers. The Society hosts an annual conference, publishes a journal, and offers a variety of awards and grants to support psychometric research and education.

The Society’s journal, Psychometrika, is a premier journal in the field of psychometrics. It publishes research on topics such as measurement theory, statistical models, and psychometric methods. The journal also publishes reviews of books and software related to psychometrics.

The Society offers several awards to recognize outstanding achievements in the field of psychometrics. These include the Psychometric Society’s Distinguished Career Award, the Psychometric Society’s Early Career Award, and the Psychometric Society’s Young Investigator Award. The Society also provides funding for research and education through its grant program.

The Psychometric Society is an important organization in the field of psychometrics. It provides an international forum for research, education, and the dissemination of knowledge about psychometrics. Its journal, awards, and grants help to support and recognize the work of researchers, practitioners, and educators in the field.


American Psychological Association (2020). What is Psychometrics? Retrieved from

The Psychometric Society (2020). About Us. Retrieved from

The Psychometric Society (2020). Awards. Retrieved from

The Psychometric Society (2020). Grants. Retrieved from

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