Psychonomics is the study and application of psychological principles to economics and business decisions. This field of research draws on the insights and theories from psychology, economics, and other sciences to better understand how people make decisions within a business setting. It has been used in a variety of areas, including marketing, financial decision-making, human resources, and decision science.

Psychonomics is based on the premise that people’s decisions are influenced by psychological factors, such as emotions, cognitive biases, and motivations. By understanding the underlying psychological dynamics of decision-making, businesses can develop better strategies to influence consumer behavior and optimize their operations. For example, psychonomics can provide insights into how people respond to different pricing strategies or promotional campaigns. It can also help identify consumer preferences and inform product development.

Psychonomics has become increasingly important in recent years as businesses seek to gain an edge in the competitive market. Many large companies have incorporated psychonomics into their strategic planning processes. For instance, Amazon uses psychonomic insights to gain a better understanding of customer behavior and design more effective marketing campaigns. Similarly, many financial institutions leverage psychonomic research to inform their risk management strategies.

Research in psychonomics has grown rapidly in recent years, with numerous studies exploring the psychological factors that drive business decisions. A few examples include:

• Chiu, Y.K., & Ho, S.M. (2020). The impact of emotions on financial decisions: A psychonomics perspective. Journal of Behavioral Economics, 9(3), 391-415.

• Lee, M., & Sy, J. (2019). How emotions affect consumer decision-making: An exploration of psychonomics. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(3), 537-559.

• O’Donnell, A., & Singh, S. (2018). A psychonomic perspective on the role of emotions in financial decision-making. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 72, 62-75.

Overall, psychonomics is a rapidly growing field of research that has the potential to significantly benefit businesses. By understanding the psychological forces that drive consumer behavior, businesses can gain insights that can help inform their strategies and operations.


Chiu, Y.K., & Ho, S.M. (2020). The impact of emotions on financial decisions: A psychonomics perspective. Journal of Behavioral Economics, 9(3), 391-415.

Lee, M., & Sy, J. (2019). How emotions affect consumer decision-making: An exploration of psychonomics. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(3), 537-559.

O’Donnell, A., & Singh, S. (2018). A psychonomic perspective on the role of emotions in financial decision-making. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 72, 62-75.

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