Psychosomatic Disorder: An Overview

Psychosomatic disorder is a complex medical condition that involves the interaction between physical, psychological, and social factors. It is a physical illness that has psychological components, such as stress and anxiety, as a major contributing factor. This disorder can affect individuals of any age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status, and is often seen in people with pre-existing mental health conditions.

The physical symptoms of psychosomatic disorder may include headaches, body aches, fatigue, digestive problems, and even organ dysfunction. These symptoms can be further compounded by psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. While the exact cause of the disorder is unknown, experts believe that it is closely related to the body’s response to stress and psychological factors.

The diagnosis of psychosomatic disorder is complex and can be difficult to make. It is often confused with other medical conditions, such as depression and anxiety disorders. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation by a mental health professional is necessary to properly diagnose and treat the disorder. Treatment typically involves a combination of medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.

In conclusion, psychosomatic disorder is a complex medical condition that involves the interaction between physical, psychological, and social factors. While it is often confused with other medical conditions, a comprehensive evaluation by a mental health professional is necessary to properly diagnose and treat the disorder. With proper treatment, individuals affected by psychosomatic disorder can lead meaningful, productive lives.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

National Institute of Mental Health. (2020). Psychosomatic disorder. Retrieved from

Papakostas, G. I. (2017). Psychosomatic medicine: A practical clinical guide. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

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