Any substance subject to U.S. Controlled Substances Act (1970), which regulates prescribing and dispensing, as well as manufacturing, storage, sale, or distribution of substances assigned to one of five schedules according to their potential for or evidence of abuse (Schedule I), potential for psychic or physiologic dependence (Schedule II), contribution to a public health risk (Schedule III), harmful pharmacologic effect (Schedule IV), or role as a precursor of other controlled substances (Schedule V). Schedule I prohibits all use except research and includes most of the classes of opiates, stimulants, and barbiturates. Drugs in Schedule II cannot be refilled or called in by phone. Schedule III includes some opioids, stimulants, and some barbiturates which cannot be refilled more than five times and require a new prescription after six months. Schedule IV includes specific opioids, certain stimulants, and almost all benzodiazepines; allowed to be refilled only five times, and new prescriptions must be obtained after six months. Schedule V encompasses several drugs, particularly opiates, which possess a low potential for abuse.

SCHEDULED DRUGS: “Many drugs have the dubious distinction of being scheduled drugs.”
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